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SkyWorm (Praziquantel/Pyrantel Embonate/Febantel 50mg/144mg/150mg) 10 Tablets/Strip

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SkyWorm (Praziquantel/Pyrantel Embonate/Febantel 50mg/144mg/150mg) 10 Tablets/Strip

SkyWorm (Praziquantel/Pyrantel Embonate/Febantel 50mg/144mg/150mg) Tablets


Product Name
SkyWorm (Praziquantel/Pyrantel Embonate/Febantel 50mg/144mg/150mg) 10 Tablets/Strip
Also known as Drontal or Slayworm. For Veterinary Use (Animals only) - Not for human use.
Active Ingredient
Praziquantel/Pyrantel Embonate/Febantel
Sky EC
Product Type
Anthelmintic (dewormer)
Product expiry date we are currently shipping
Aug 2026

SkyWorm tablets contain a combination of three anthelmintic drugs, praziquantel, pyrantel and febantel that are used as a multi-spectrum de-wormer for dogs only.

Product Price List

SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 10 Tablets
$2.30 per Tablet
$23.00 (USD)
$23.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 20 Tablets
$1.88 per Tablet
$37.50 (USD)
$37.50 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 30 Tablets
$1.83 per Tablet
$55.00 (USD)
$55.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 40 Tablets
$1.78 per Tablet
$71.00 (USD)
$71.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 50 Tablets
$1.75 per Tablet
$87.50 (USD)
$87.50 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 60 Tablets
$1.72 per Tablet
$103.00 (USD)
$103.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 70 Tablets
$1.68 per Tablet
$117.50 (USD)
$117.50 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 80 Tablets
$1.65 per Tablet
$132.00 (USD)
$132.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 90 Tablets
$1.61 per Tablet
$145.00 (USD)
$145.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 100 Tablets
$1.59 per Tablet
$159.00 (USD)
$159.00 (USD)
SkyWorm (Praziquantel, Pyrantel & Febantel 50/144/150mg) 200 Tablets
$1.45 per Tablet
$290.00 (USD)
$290.00 (USD)

SkyWorm general information

What is SkyWorm used for?

Parasites are organisms that survive by living off another organism called the host.  Some parasites may irritate, but otherwise, do not make their host sick.  However, in many cases, the parasite affects many areas of the host’s body, making the host severely ill.  SkyWorm tablets 50/144/50 are a multi-spectrum de-wormer.  They are used to treat infections caused by all common gastrointestinal parasitic worms (helminths) in dogs, to relieve symptoms and prevent the spread of infection.  SkyWorm tablets are suitable for small to medium size adult dogs, also puppies at the correct dose. 

Intestinal worms in dogs

Toxicara canis is a roundworm that infects the intestines of dogs and cats.  Dogs become infected by eating other hosts such as cockroaches, rabbits or chickens.  The larvae enter the bloodstream and migrate to the lungs to the lungs and are then swallowed.  Once in the host intestine, the larvae mature into adults and produce eggs.  The eggs are excreted in the faeces to reinfect another host.  Toxicara can also be transmitted to humans by ingesting contaminating meat or soil, resulting in an infection called toxocariasis.  The larvae can migrate to other parts of the body, including the eyes, lungs, liver, and brain, and can also form cysts in these organs.

Ancylostoma caninum is a hookworm that enters the dog host through the skin, usually the feet.  Once inside its host, the larvae migrate to the heart and lungs.  They are eventually swallowed and mature into adults in the intestines.  They attach to the wall of the intestines by small hooks and can cause considerable blood loss and inflammation.  Eggs produced by the adult worm are passed out through the faeces ready to infect another host.

Trichuris vulpis is a whipworm that infects dogs when their eggs are ingested and invade the cells of the large intestine.  The larvae develop and burrow into the cells of the colon, where they become adults and produce eggs, which are passed out through the faeces ready to infect another host.  Infection with whipworm causes bleeding, weight loss and diarrhoea.

Taenia is an intestinal tapeworm belonging to the cestodes class of parasitic worm.  The most common species that infect dogs are Echinococcus granulosus, also known as the hydatid, which is the cyst stage of the tapeworm.  Also, Dipylidium caninum, which is the common flea tapeworm.  Transmission is by ingesting another host that is infected, usually a flea, ingested when grooming, or eating other animals like rodents already infected with adult hydatids.  Once inside the dog’s intestines, the eggs hatch, develop into adults and attach to the surface of the intestines with hooks.  The tapeworm is segmental and occasionally segments containing eggs pass out with the faeces to begin a new lifecycle.  Tapeworm segments can cause your dog irritation to the anal area.  This is why you may see your dog dragging its bottom on the ground, known as scooting, to alleviate the irritation. 

Intestinal parasites that infect dogs can also be transmitted to humans from contaminated faeces in the soil, or direct contact with your dog. 

How does SkyWorm work?

SkyWorm tablets contain a combination of three anthelmintic drugs, which is a drug that kills parasitic intestinal worms.

Praziquantel in SkyWorm tablets is an anthelmintic that is effective against intestinal tapeworms.  Praziquantel works by interfering with the tapeworm’s ability to protect itself against its host, causing the tapeworm to lose resistance to digestion by the host digestive enzymes.  The tapeworm becomes disintegrated and is then removed by the host’s immune system, which destroys the tapeworm before it can be passed out in stools. 

Pyrantel in SkyWorm tablets is a depolarising neuromuscular blocking agent.  It is effective against roundworms and hookworms that attach to the wall of the host’s intestine by small teeth or suckers.  They work by blocking nerve transmission, causing sudden muscular contraction followed by paralysis.  This causes the worm to lose its grip on the intestine wall and fall off; it then becomes paralysed and dies and is passed out in the stools. 

Febantel in SkyWorm tablets is converted to its active form fenbendazole, a benzimidazole anthelmintic, which has a broad spectrum action.  Fenbendazole works by binding to tubulin in the worm cells.  Tubulin is a structural protein of microtubules, and binding to tubulin blocks glucose uptake, which depletes energy stores and eventually paralyses the parasite, which then dies. 

Although these drugs are effective against parasitic worms in the intestine, they are not well absorbed into the blood of the host and therefore have minimal side effects. 

What does SkyWorm contain?

SkyWorm tablets contain a combination of three the active ingredients, the anthelmintic drugs praziquantel (50mg) pyrantel embonate (144mg), febantel (150mg) that are used in combination as a multi-spectrum de-wormer for dogs only.

What are the side effects of SkyWorm?

Some side effects are commonly experienced when giving your dog SkyWorm, but others are not so common, and you should discuss any problems or concerns with your veterinarian. 

Common side effects you may see in your dog when taking SkyWorm include vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy. 

How should SkyWorm be given and for how long?

You should give SkyWorm tablets to your dog with or without food by hand, or crushed into their food.  You should weigh your dog before dosing to ensure the correct dose of one tablet per 10kg (22 lbs) body weight (or half a tablet as appropriate).  Repeat the dose of SkyWorm tablets after three months.  You should continue to give SkyWorm tablets to your dog for as long as recommended by your veterinarian professional.  You should always consult your veterinarian professional before administering SkyWorm tablets to dogs that are pregnant or lactating.

Missed dose of SkyWorm

If you miss a dose of SkyWorm give it as soon as you remember, unless it is time to give the next dose, then skip the missed dose.  Do not give a double dose.

How should SkyWorm be stored?

You should store your SkyWorm below 25°C in a cool dry place. 

Other products in
Pet Care -> De-Wormer

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