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Inhouse Pharmacy
Frequently Asked Questions

Our Story

Established in 1996, InhousePharmacy.vu is operated by Pacific Health Ltd, one of the world's first and longest operating online pharmacies. We serve customers worldwide who want genuine prescription medications at affordable prices. Our reviews and return customers agree that we provide reliable service and authentic products that save you time and money.

More information on Inhouse Pharmacy can be found on our About Us page.

InhousePharmacy.vu is dedicated to customers who seek valid medical prescriptions from our experienced registered pharmacists. We only supply authentic medications and we do our best to bring you trusted brands at lower prices. The questions and answers below will help clarify our regular customer inquiries. Please contact us by phone or email if you still need help.

About Our Authentic Medications

Are your medicines the genuine product?

All of our products are genuine and only from the named manufacturers. All of our suppliers are licensed distributors, ensuring the products you purchase from us are from government-regulated supply channels.

We do not substitute brands without consulting you first. What you choose on our website is exactly what you get. We keep our product information and photos up to date, and we also state the expiration date.

Do you supply generic medications?

We offer both brand name products and generic alternatives. We clearly indicate which products are generic. Generics are always on the right-hand side in the category listings and have a generic label identifying them. Generic medications can offer some savings. We only supply generic medications that are manufactured in FDA approved manufacturing facilities.

Generics usually have a significant price advantage over the original branded medicine. They may differ slightly in appearance, but the active ingredient and strength remain the same. The generic medicines we supply are purchased through registered wholesalers from reputable manufacturers.

Many generics come from India, and we only purchase from FDA-approved manufacturers there. For example, Cipla and Ajanta Pharmaceuticals are listed on the New York stock exchange and would be the largest manufacturers of generics in the world.

Do you sell Ambien, Xanax, Phentermine, Adderall, Ephedrine, Codeine, Dihydrocodone, HCG or products with the same active ingredients or controlled substances as listed by the DEA?

No. We do not sell controlled drugs or medicines of abuse.

Why does the packaging look slightly different?

We never repackage the products unless the product is sold in blister strips. Some products are sold in blister strips as they arrive in bulk outers which are too large to offer for personal use. The blisters are removed from the cardboard outer, but never tampered with. Products are shipped in the original packaging with any safety seals intact.

Some manufacturers operate multiple manufacturing facilities around the world and the packaging can differ between each plant. For example, USA manufactured products may be packaged in bottles, whereas the same UK packaged product is produced in blister strips in a box. These differences are of the packaging only and do not affect the product. The photo we show of the product is what you are going to receive, guaranteed. You can click on the photo to get a larger view. Please be assured that the products are of the highest quality and only purchased from reputable distribution sources.

Can you assure me products are not close to the expiration date?

For your assurance, we show the expiration date of the products we are shipping on every product page. When you place an order this will be the expiration date you will receive (or better).

Contact Information

Please visit our Contact Us page for our phone numbers, fax numbers, operating hours and a contact form.

First Time Customer Help

What do our customers say?

We have been in service for a very long time, and we are proud to share the feedback and comments about our reliability on special interest forums such as breast feeding, hair loss, and transgender. Please visit our testimonials page to read what our customers have to say about our products and friendly, expert services.

How quick is your delivery?

Once your payment is received, your order will typically dispatch within 1 business day. The delivery time varies for each country and this is listed in Shipping and Supply section.

Medical Advice Disclaimer

Does your company offer medical advice?

No, we do not. We are not a medical center and are not qualified to give medical advice or recommendations. The medications you take should be those prescribed by a qualified medical professional after a consultation. The information listed on the website is to be used as general information only and is not a substitute for professional medical services or advice. The customer is responsible for their own health issues. Please seek the advice of a medical professional if you have any questions regarding suitability prior to placing an order.



Our pharmacy is based in Vanuatu, and we are permitted to process your order without a prescription. We prefer your prescription and many customers send them in to us with their order.

Most countries we ship to including the USA and UK permit the personal importation of personal medications for yourself or your immediate family living with you for quantities of up to a three month supply. We are not required to include any prescription with these shipments.

For orders that ship using Premium Shipping, you will be required to send us a copy of a valid doctor’s prescription from your prescribing doctor before we can fulfil and ship your order. Your order will not be eligible for importation without a valid prescription.

Please note: The medications below WILL require the presentation of a new prescription.

  • Parnate Tranylcypromine 10mg Tablets
  • Zy-Q (Hydroxychloroquine sulphate 200mg) Tablets

This site is not intended to give you medical advice, guidance, or a means to bypass the professional consultation process. Only purchase medicines from this site under the direction you have obtained from an appropriate medical professional.

If you can send us your prescription, please send to:

  • Fax: USA (toll free) 855-623-0052, UK (toll free) 0800 056 4369, or International +1-855-623-0052 (not toll free), or
  • Email: a scan or photograph of your prescription to [email protected], or
  • Mail: Mail your prescription to The Pharmacist, Elluk Pharmacy Limited, PO Box 337, Port Vila, Vanuatu. Please apply sufficient stamps.

If you have any questions about your order or sending in a prescription, please call us toll free on our customer service line.

Prescriptions for Australia

We recommend that you send us a valid doctor’s prescription for all future orders. This is due to Australian regulations when importing pharmaceuticals for personal use. Any orders placed with us may be held up at Customs by the Australian Border Force/Therapeutic Goods Administration and not released until a prescription is presented. We can enclose the prescription with your goods to minimise the risk of your medication being detained.

Prescriptions required for Premium Shipping

Premium Shipping regulations require a copy of a valid doctor’s prescription from the patient’s prescribing doctor to accompany your order before shipping. Your order will not be eligible for importation without a valid prescription.

Please fax, scan or send a screenshot to:

Fax: +1-855-623-0052
Email: [email protected]

Placing Orders

Do I need to create an account?

No, but we recommend that you do. If you are a first time shopper with us, you can create an account to save your details and save you time for future orders.

If you choose not to save your log-in details, you will need to re-enter your name and address each time you order. On future revisits you will not be able to see your order status, or do a one-click-repeat order.

To create an account, all you have to do is enter a password at the end of the checkout process. Your details will be saved for the next time you shop, as long as you use the same email address and password.

With an account, returning checkout is much faster. You can just add to the cart and checkout. Once you enter your email address and password, your address information will load automatically. We do not store payment information, so you will need to re-enter it.

If you have an account, you can see your past order history and the shipping status for each order. To save time, you can click on any one of those to re-order.

How do I place an order?

We accept orders via telephone, fax, email or online. For online ordering, please follow these instructions:

If you know the product you need, using the search box on any web page is the easiest way to find products. You can search for the product name, active ingredient or manufacturer. Another good way to find products is to choose a category from the list at the top of the page.

To select products, you can click on the "add to cart" button. This will add the products to your shopping cart. After you have selected the products you wish to order, proceed to the checkout by clicking the "Proceed to Purchase" button.

You will then be updated with a confirmation of your order by email. You will receive this immediately after placing your order. If it does not arrive promptly, please check your SPAM or junk email folder in case it has been detained there. If this occurs, please add InhousePharmacy.vu to your white list or safe sender list.

Payment Options

What payment options are there?

USA Customers:

  • Mail your Check, Cashier’s Check, or Money Order to our USA PO Box. Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders are the preferred methods, resulting in faster processing and no clearance delays.
  • Online Bill Pay is a convenient service that allows you to set up electronic payments for your bills online. The bank will issue a paper check using funds drawn from your designated account within a few days once you have scheduled the bill payment. The check is mailed to us and processed through our payment services in CA like other check payments are.
  • Deluxe eCheck (http://www.deluxe.com/echecks/) offers all of the benefits of traditional checks with the added convenience and speed of an online payment system. Your check payment will be sent to us at the speed of an email. It is a cost-effective, easy, and secure way to pay us. Deluxe eChecks are checks for the digital age.
  • International Money Transfer (IMT) is a swift way to send us payment. Payment usually clears overnight. Bank fees may be incurred, “SHA” Sender pays the sender’s bank charges.
  • We cannot accept American Express or any other Credit Card providers from US customers.
  • We cannot accept Money Transfers via PayPal, Orbit Remit, Western Union, MoneyGram, TransferWise, XE and Zelle ®

UK Customers:

  • American Express
  • Wire transfer from your bank

Australia Customers:

  • American Express
  • Wire transfer from your bank

All Other Customers:

  • American Express
  • Wire transfer from your bank

We provide payment options depending on which country you are from. You will see these options when it is time to pay for your products.

American Express: We accept American Express from all customers, except if you reside in the USA ? as stipulated by American Express.

Visa and MasterCard: Due to our internal 'Know Your Customer' (KYC) protocol, Inhouse Pharmacy are currently not using credit cards as a form of payment.

Discover and Maestro Cards: These cards are not available to us or any card starting with the number 6.

Cryptocurrency Payments (Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash): From August 17, 2018 we have stopped accepting all cryptocurrency payments. Tightening anti-money laundering regulations have forced banks to disallow payments from these sources.

I'm a USA customer, how do I mail in my check?

If you would like to mail us your check or money order, select this payment method in the checkout section. You will see details on where to mail your check and how quickly we can ship your order.

When you finish placing your order, we will immediately email you simple directions of the USA postal address and how to write your check so we can process your payment.

Can I send payment through any other money transfer service?

Most money transfer services do not provide services to banks in Vanuatu, where we are based. We are working on a better solution for you and will hopefully resolve this issue in the near future. Western Union and PayPal do not permit payments for personal medications over the internet.

Order Changes or Cancellations

What if I need to cancel the order?

We are processing orders constantly, and if you wish to cancel your order, please be prompt and contact us urgently. We have direct phone lines available, so please call us to ensure the changes can be completed. Our contact numbers are listed on our Contact Us page.

If your goods have already been dispatched for shipping, it is too late to cancel your order. Please choose your medications carefully when placing an order.

Returns and Refunds

Missing Orders & Re-Shipment

I have not received any email confirmations from you for my last order.

If you have placed an order with us recently and did not receive an instant order confirmation, then please check the email address you gave us is spelled correctly. If you registered as a customer, you can check this in My Account. If your email address is incorrect, please correct it in My Account and also email or call us with the correct email address. Visit our Contact Us page for contact information.

If you have a Yahoo, Gmail or AOL email address, there is a greater chance our replies to you will not get through. If you can, please supply us with a different email address.

Your email ends up in my SPAM or Junk Email list. How can I prevent this?

We never send spam or send unsolicited email to you, so please click on our last email and look for an option to add us to your safe senders list. This will prevent emails from us going to your junk email folder.

I have not received a reply to my email. What should I do?

We reply promptly to emails. If you are waiting more than 24 hours, then your reply has probably gotten lost somewhere.

If you have emailed us a question and you did not get a timely reply please do the following:

  1. Check your email SPAM folder. Some SPAM filters don't like emails that include words like "pharmacy" or medication names. Add us to your safe senders list.
  2. Email us again alerting us to the missing email problem. If possible please offer us an alternative email address that is not a free email account. Avoid email accounts such as Yahoo, Gmail, or AOL etc. who through good SPAM filtering intentions are often overzealous on legitimate online pharmacy sites.
  3. Or, call our customer service team. Find details on our Contact Us page.
  4. If you would like us to call you, email us your evening phone number and we'll call you back.
It's been longer than the standard delivery time and my order has not arrived yet.

We use regular airmail to ship our products and the post office to deliver our orders. Sometimes delivery can take longer than the standard delivery time as we are subject to delivery delays due to public holidays, worldwide events, etc.

Customs may have your order. It is not unusual for customs to hold the order for up to 2 weeks prior to contacting you.

If your order hasn't arrived within the standard delivery time, please allow an additional 7 days for delivery prior to contacting us to establish if your order is simply delayed in delivery, held at customs, or indeed lost.

The tracking number shows no results.

Sometimes with registered post, no tracking information appears until your parcel is processed in customs. This is not a problem. If the parcel is overdue, contact us for reshipment.

How do I request a reshipment?

Lost orders and reshipments

We will reship or refund a lost order provided we are contacted within 8 weeks from the ship date. No reshipments or refunds will be accepted if your lost order is reported to us after 8 weeks.

We will replace an order that has not been delivered on the following conditions only:

  • Lost in transit, and tracking is not reflecting an update. If your order shipped using Standard Airmail (no tracking service) and your report is genuine, we will refund or reship using Registered Airmail (tracking service available.)
  • An additional 7 days has elapsed in addition to the advised delivery time since the ship date.
  • The shipping address provided to us is correct.

You will be charged for a replacement order if you have provided an incorrect address. No refunds will be issued. Please ensure that your address is correct at the time of placing your order to ensure delivery.

If you are not at home to receive your parcel and a postal notice is left advising you to reschedule delivery or arrange collection, and you have not done so, in that case, the parcel will return to us after being held for a specific timeframe. Contact your local postal service for further information. We will not be held responsible for missed deliveries. We will not issue a refund, and if you wish to have the goods replaced, please be advised that you will be charged for a replacement order.

Are you able to supply products not listed on the website?

Your enquiry is very welcome. Please provide the brand name and concentration, drug name, and a generic name it may be listed under, if at all possible. Checking availability will take several days as we often need to cross reference drug names. They are often marketed under different names worldwide.

We will not supply any medication that is controlled or restricted in any way.

What time zone are you in?

We are in Vanuatu?s (GMT+11) time zone. Our time zone is similar to Australia. That is the best time to speak with our pharmacists. We operate phones 7 days per week. If you call outside our business hours or at busy times, please leave a message and we will call you back within 24 hours.

Shipping Information

Customs & Taxes

What customs controls should I be aware of?

In each country we ship to, customs will permit the personal importation of personal medications for yourself or your immediate family living with you for quantities of up to a 90-day supply - without requiring a doctor's prescription. You must pay all applicable import charges when your order arrives in your country. Please be advised that some customs may question and reject imports for larger orders where individual daily dosage requirements are higher and request a valid doctor’s prescription to support the release of the shipment.

Applicable VAT charges and associated fees are the customer's sole responsibility; we will not pay for them.

What do you declare the products as?

On the customs declaration sticker, the products are declared as "Non-Restricted Pharmaceutical".

Do USA customers pay customs duty?

No. At this time, USA Customs does not charge customs duty or sales tax. However, they do require time to process your parcel.

Do UK customers pay VAT (Value Added Tax)?

It is illegal to supply or purchase prescription medication from within the UK without producing a valid doctor's prescription. However, UK customs will permit the personal importation of personal medications for yourself or your immediate family living with you for quantities of up to a 90-day supply - without requiring a doctor's prescription, provided you pay all applicable import VAT charges.

If your order is above £135, HM Revenue & Customs will charge you VAT, customs duty, and a handling fee of £8. Please note these charges are payable by you to Royal Mail before your parcel is delivered. You can expect to receive a 'Fee to pay' card. This shows how much you need to pay before you can receive your parcel. Royal Mail will hold your parcel for you at your local Customer Service Point for 21 days, after which it will be returned to the sender. For online payments, it is recommended that you pay at least two days before that.

Applicable VAT charges and associated fees are the customer's sole responsibility; we will not pay for them.

Is VAT payable on shipping charges?

This is not applicable in most cases because most orders have free shipping. However, if your order is sent by a premium courier such as EMS or Fedex and your country charges VAT or GST on imported goods, then they will also charge VAT or GST on to the cost of the shipping.

Shipping Methods & Supply Info

Where do you ship from?

We only ship from Vanuatu, which is a nation in the South Pacific Ocean near Australia.

What countries do you ship to?

We are able to ship orders to the following countries. Unfortunately, if your country is NOT on this list, we are unable to supply to you as your country's Customs Department prevents delivery.

Premium Shipping regulations require a copy of a valid doctor’s prescription from the patient’s prescribing doctor to accompany your order before shipping. Your order will not be eligible for importation without a valid prescription.

Country Free Shipping Premium Shipping
Australia Free Standard Airmail Postage
2-4 weeks
Express Mail Service to Australia
Signature Required
Tracking 12-28 Days
Gibraltar Free Registered Airmail Postage
4-10 weeks via UK (Recommended)
Hong Kong Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
10-21 Days

Free Registered Airmail Postage
Signature Required
Limited Tracking
10-21 Days (Recommended)
Express Mail Service to Hong Kong
Signature Required
7-10 Days
Malta Free Registered Airmail Postage
4-10 weeks via UK (Recommended)
FedEx delivery to Malta
Signature Required
3-4 weeks
Northern Ireland Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
2-6 weeks

Free Registered Airmail Postage
Limited Tracking
2-6 weeks (Recommended)
Express Mail Service to Nthn Ireland
Signature Required
7-10 Days
Puerto Rico Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
10-21 Days

Free Registered Airmail Postage
Signature Required
No Tracking
10-21 Days (Recommended)
Scotland Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
2-6 weeks

Free Registered Airmail Postage
Limited Tracking
2-6 weeks (Recommended)
Express Mail Service to UK
Signature Required
7-10 Days
Singapore Free Registered Airmail Postage
Signature Required
Limited Tracking
2-6 weeks (Recommended)

Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
10-21 Days
FedEx delivery to Singapore
Signature Required
3-4 weeks
Switzerland Free Registered Airmail Postage
4-10 weeks via UK (Recommended)
FedEx delivery to Switzerland
Signature Required
3-4 weeks
United Kingdom Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
2-6 weeks

Free Registered Airmail Postage
Limited Tracking
2-6 weeks (Recommended)
United States Free Registered Airmail Postage
Limited Tracking
2-6 weeks (Recommended)

Free Standard Airmail Postage
No Signature
No Tracking
2-6 weeks

If you choose from our free shipping options, you only pay for the cost of the products ordered.

If you chose Registered Post or a Premium Courier service, then you will be required to sign for the parcel. If you are not home at the time of delivery, a notice will be left with instructions on where to collect your parcel. Alternately, we can ship to a work address.

A shipping confirmation with tracking information will be emailed to you when your order is shipped.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

See table above.

Please be aware that if customs hold your order pending import taxes, they could hold your order for up to 14 days prior to contacting you.

How soon before I run out should I place my order?

Order your medications within at least 4 - 6 weeks in advance. Almost all orders are shipped within 24 hours, but sometimes postal delivery can take longer than normal. Postal or customs processing delays are something we cannot control, so please order with plenty of safety margin.

What is an acceptable Billing Address?

To enable us to process your payment, you must provide your 'Physical Residential Address' in the billing address section.
We cannot accept the folowing:

  • PO Box
  • UPS Store
  • Freight Forwarder
  • Commercial
  • Parcel Locker
  • Educational Institution

Payment processing regulations have tightened a lot over the years, and banks must verify that the person making the payment is not the person with a similar name who is listed as a money launderer or known to be funding terrorism. This is why we are required to obtain your physical address, as this provides the banks the information they need to release your payment to us.

If you are unable to provide your physical address for payment identification, we must decline your order.

Can I ship to a different address other than my billing address?

Yes, we allow shipping to a different address such as a work address or where there is somebody available to sign for the parcel. You can specify a different shipping address during checkout, or if you have registered as a customer please click My Account at the top of the page and add the additional any extra shipping addresses you need. Each time you return to make a new purchase, these addresses will be available and you can quickly choose the one you need.

Will my products be shipped in a discreet package?

Yes! All goods are packaged discreetly. The items cannot be identified from the packaging. For your privacy, we do not include our company logo on the outside of the package.

More information can be found in our Shipping & Returns page.

Can my order be delivered to a PO Box or an APO address?

If you choose to use one of our free delivery methods or EMS delivery (if available), then we can ship to your PO Box or an APO address. FedEx deliveries cannot be shipped to PO Boxes or APO addresses.


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